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|||Try Skyblade Elite:
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|||If performance of your PC is a concern, then check out text-based MMORPG games such as ExMafia at
It is Free and no download is required.
Basically you take on the role of a gangster and work on your experience and stats by performing crimes. One word of advise though, start from the petty crimes ie Snatching Purses before 'graduating' to the more advanced crimes such as Robbing a Military Base.
Oh, and you can whack other players as well with weapons such as SIG SG SEMI-AUTO or AK-47. :D
Tell you what, try it and do PM me in-game if you need any further help
username : weng or id : 5177
Oh and check out the supporting forum for ExMafia at to get more info about the game. Just try it, you definitely won't regret it.|||mabinogi
This is a fantasy MMORPG based on the Celtic mythology, Coming from Maple story's developer Nexon. A lot of ppl can not waiting for it.
A free 3D MMORPG by Netgame. The User Created Dungeon (UCD) system is very fun and unique in it.
Silkroad Online
Silkroad Online puts the player deep into ancient Chinese and European civilizations along the historic Silk Road trade route. It is free to play, and offers the unique chance for players to develop their characters free of restrictions or fixed paths. This game is known for its stunning graphics, the variety in game play, the unique playable races (Currently Chinese and Europeans) and of course the Triangular Conflict. The Triangular Conflict is the trading system that players can partake in anytime they are in the game and it uses three jobs to complete the Triangle; Merchant, Hunter, and Thief. Each job goes for glory to finish the trade and keep their goods. Legend I, Europe expansion was introduced on July 24, 2007 and it added a new race, Europe. This Legend introduced an assortment of maps, characters, clothing, items, pets, skills and a new party-play system to incorporate more player cooperation to name a few of the key features from this expansion.
You can find many mmorpg games that suit your company at here:
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