Saturday, December 10, 2011


Does anyone know some good mmorpg's that don't take a long time to download and a re reaelly fun. Please answer!|||You can go some 2D MMORPG, the game is small but fun. And some not that big 3D also very nice.

Secret of the Solstice

Secret of the Solstice is a f2p MMORPG developed by DNC ENTERTAINMENT. It's a cute 2D world where you could take adventures by yourself or teamup with your friends. The gameplay is easy.


This is a fantasy MMORPG based on the Celtic mythology, Coming from Maple story's developer Nexon. A lot of ppl can not waiting for it. It will go to OB in days.


Tibia(2D Fantasy) is one of the oldest and most successful massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) created in Europe. In an MMORPG people from all over the world meet on a virtual playground to explore areas, solve tricky riddles and undertake heroic exploits.

maple story

a great MMORPG by Nexon(KR). It is a side scroller but very fun. There are a lot of places to go and lots of towns. There is more then one island and lots of places to hunt. If you like animation style mmo, this one would be your first choice. You tend to start playing and two hours will go by befor you know it. Great game to play you should go try it out.

Perfect World

Known as Chinese WOW, Perfect World is a full-feature 3D online game that is based on rich Chinese mythology and set in the world of Pangu. Malaysian version is completely english and no IP block.

You can do more search yourself here There is a rating system in this mmo game list, higher rating in the list means the game better.|||try fallensword its fun an addictive plus you get to meet other people,you get to kill creatures and other peoples,

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follow that link for 100% xp boost!

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|||your pretty much out of luck unless you download clients for games

2 moons is pretty fun

i've also heard of cabal online and i'm gonna download it later|||There is always World of Warcraft... But Knight Online is a good one and it is free... Takes about 20-25 mins for me to download|||just play RuneScape.

its free and its kinda gay but whatever

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