Saturday, December 10, 2011

What are some really good mmorpg and mmofps games?

I really would like a mmorpg that has some potential. Not those really childish games like Flyff or Fiesta I would like a really mature mmorpg

It should be Free to Play

And please don't say runescape =)|||Check out for an enormous list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I use that site to find new games to play. Every week I try a new game =) - It's a lot of fun. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements =p.

They list all the big non-download MMORPGs too.

They just put up a list of the best Free MMORPGs of 2009, so you may want to check that out.鈥?/a>


Let me know if this was helpful! =]!!!!!!!|||From the screenshots, the games you mentioned have PS2-like graphics. Have you tried Lineage 2? I have been playing it for some time, and it's great. It is also free (you'll fine lots of free servers).|||Guild Wars looks pretty good. You have to buy the game but their is no subscription fees. Theirs quite a few Guild Wars game, but I think i saw my local GAME with most of them, and they were quite cheap, looks like a good, free alternative to World Of Warcraft, but if you're after something like WoW but do not want to follow the craze I reccomend Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning.|||You should give mabinogi a shot. It's really different from ther mmorpgs....the combat is pretty neat, the skills are flexible, and there is plenty of fun to be had. It's also pretty casual gameplay with like no grinding what so ever. In that game, level doesn't mean much... it's more skill. In terms of mmofps, I have found myself quite attached to gunz the duel and crime craft. Gunz is completly free, but crime craft isn't really. What they give you is what they call an unlimited free trial... basically it skips all the good stuff. You can still buy wepons and learn skills ( only to level 1 ) but that's about it =l|||Reign of Blood:鈥?/a>

It's free to play w/ no DL so try it out and if you have questions just email me.|||Conquer Online may worths your trying. It is my favorite mmorpg. Thanks to its Chinese art-style and 2.5D graphic engine, lol, Conquer Online is quite family friendly. Haha,its horce racing tournament is going to start soon. I need to get ready for it, good luck to you~:)

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