Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the best mmorpg game on the internet?

I want a game that has full screen and is free.

I dont want runescape or any nexon games.Or wow. I want a free online mmorpg game.|||My favorite free online MMORPG is Fiesta

It's free, fun, and full screen. It has great 3D anime-style graphics and tons of cool content like quests, pvp, kingdom quests (like instances or raids), and new in-game events every week or so. Plus the GMs are really cool and hang out in the game with players. Check it out.|||鈥?/a>

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||| BY far best game you will ever find been playing a year, never got old

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|||I highly reccomend the free games i searched all over the internet to get as follows 2moons,cabal,s.u.n,s4 league,rapppelz,lunia,dungeons鈥?and rohan:blood feud

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use this link to sign up now for league of legends

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|||hey guyz... try games

and try this game :

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|||Below games are mentioned most by players, you can try them!


A very decent 3D mmorpg. Graphic is very nice. The community is totally amazing and you can barely see anyone using the word "noob". The PvP system is awesome and the good thing about it is you don't have to be a high level to be good at it or even give it a try. The upgrading system is probably the fairest you can find in any game.


Shaiya is a fantasy Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). Located on a distant planet, Shaiya puts players in the middle of an age-old blood feud between two warring factions: the Union of Fury and the Alliance of Light.

Cabal Online is an action MMORPG game, set in a 3rd person view perspective. Like most modern MMORPG games, it includes a skill and class system, pvp system, and a guild system. It also utilizes a combo system within its gameplay that allows players to have more powerful attacks based on timing. The primary aspect of leveling in the game is quests. Typical quests involve moving from one place to another, interaction between NPCs, killing enemies, and dungeon quests.


The game is set in a fantasy world, dominated by three races: Deva Asura and the Gaia. This game is completely free, however it does support an item shop. Pets are very powerful in this game. They gain levels alongside their owners, learn different skills, can make use of equipment and etc.|||you can play wow for free on private servers , and its a really cool game. i think its the best mmorpg ever made :D but u can also try guild wars :D its like wow and its free ... halo 1 2 and 3( only on consoles). you should really try sa-mp(san andreas multiplayer ) even if its not an rpg i love it n im sure u will like it too.(its free) get the patch here . i hope i helped ,;;;;; oh n i almost forgot to tell u about the biggest and most complex mmorpg game %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; Second Life%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; man its free u can find it at because its the best online game and its free. u can even build or buy land in the game:D or make business . there are thousands of players playing it and its fun u can do everithing that u do in reality its really like a "second life" and it gets addictive|||Here is a list of 114 games that fit your criteria.. well, a few less than that since this will include RS and the few Nexon games as well ;)

Still more than enough for you to find your new addicition though!鈥?/a>|||Okay first I will Answer your question, the Best MMORPG game is Perfect Word International.

Second I don't understand when you answer a question PEOPLE (lets say we don't know who they are) send you to sites with MILLIONS OF DIFFERENT ANSWERS! Just answer the flippin question and he will decide wither yours is good or not.

But on a serious note, Perfect World has all 9 of my fingers and two of my thumbs up! see for yourself don't just take my word for it.

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