Saturday, December 10, 2011

What programs do people use to make proffesional mmorpg's?

Dont say " You need a huge crew" because i already have 10 friends helping. We are planning on working really hard on a mmorpg. But we dont know what programs to use. (we dont want something like rpg maker xp, or eclipse becuase we want to make our own rpg) Where can we get started? Thanks.|||Hi, if your serious and you know how to program id love to help out.

You will probally be needing a game engine like Jmonkey.

You will also need a program like blender to create the graphics.|||first of all... you need a ton money and atleast 5 of you need to be able to draw, you need writers and you also needed to go to school for it! you can just one day up and decide you wanna make a RPG

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