Saturday, December 10, 2011

Which is the best and top quality f2p mmorpg?

I'm wondering at internet for months, I've tried tons of free mmorpg and even some of p2p play games, but they are all grind based and they have too bad fighting animations. Even WOW's animations are medicore. Can anyone suggest me a good f2p mmorpg with nice graphics and animations? And I don't like super deformed graphics.|||I know what you mean. WoW is a horrible mmorpg. My favorite is Runes of Magic.

The homepage is under maintenance right now but here is the link:|||Well grind is pretty much in most MMORPGs and MMOs. Hmmm if you prefer more PvP or combat action there's a new free MMORPG that's in open beta.

"Faxion Online delivers aggressive and robust PVP game play and a unique territory control system that allows the opposing factions to battle for the fate of the seven deadly sins. Players begin their quest for dominance war-torn Limbo, battling their way through each location in the game represented by the sins. With a unique multi-classing system, players will have the freedom to play the way they want with achievement and glory through adventure and combat."

For more information and to register to play the game visit|||Guild Wars. Its about as anti-grind as it gets

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