barbie girls
club penguin
wonderland online
and many more I just cant remember them.sorry that I cant.
Ps I love to chat making my own room and being able to bring friends over or just some fighting games.thx.=)|||Well. You have to download most mmorpg's
There is tons of free online games, but nott MMORPG.
There is a HUGE list of free internet games here:鈥?/a>
You can find a good list of free MMORPGS here:鈥?/a>|||
use this link and sign up here
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|||The best one is by far is a free American football game called Goalline Blitz. The forums are fun, the game is even more! No download needed!
Check it out!
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|||Yeah, you should definitely check out ExMafia at
Basically you take on the role of a gangster and work on your experience and stats by performing crimes. One word of advise though, start from the petty crimes ie Snatching Purses before 'graduating' to the more advanced crimes such as Robbing a Military Base.
Oh, and you can whack other players as well with weapons such as SIG SG SEMI-AUTO or AK-47. :D
Tell you what, try it and do PM me in-game if you need any further help
username : weng or id : 5177
Oh and check out the supporting forum for ExMafia at to get more info about the game. Just try it, you definitely won't regret it.|||Play fly for fun
grenado espada
or talisman online|||Runescape, though it does get a bit boring|||You can try:
Fiesta Online at
Secret of the Solstice at
Both are free MMORPGs that are really fun to play!
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