Saturday, December 10, 2011


once again the hardest question for a mmorpg gamer..... what is the best mmorpg?? list pros and cons about the games you put down :D most games in order from best to last gets 10 points

im looking for a new on to play :D|||oh my @_@ so many MMOs to choose from. well i guess ill just list the FREE ones ive played

Fly For Fun (FlyFF) - quite frankly the best game ive ever played. i was still playing but i ended up getting hacked from a keylogger i got v_v. ANYWAY, this game has great graphics. the concepts are not hard to learn.

Only bad things about this game are that the GM team aint always too helpful.

Rappelz - from what ive heard this game is pretty nice. its made by the same people who make FlyFF. the graphics are nice but the game lags alot last time i played it.

MapleStory - personaly it all depends on the person playing the game to decide wether or not this game is good. i played it and hated it probably because im used to 3D game, and this game is 2D. you become really bored on the first "Island" but my friends say it gets funner @_@...i dont believe them tho

Metin2 - this is not a bad game for the most part. the graphics are good and when you start to play it you will get the feel almost instantly. but i stoped playing this game because i got hooked on another game instead.

SevenHearts - this is the free version of RoseOnline. this game can get addicting pretty fast for the beginning of the game. the graphics are OK. i just recently started to play this game so i dont know the full potential of it.

HolicOnline - i have yet to accually begin playing this game but from what ive seen and heard, the graphics look wonderful and is fun to play. maybe you should check it out, i know im going too

RuneScape - i like to call this game RuinyourlifeScape. this game can be addicting when you play it but the graphics are nothing to be proud look like a box. this game will eventually for some people get boring UNLESS you want to PAY for the member package stuff in which case you get to do more stuff like quests and go to more citys|||

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|||this games an alsum mmorpg game http://www.themafiaunderground鈥?/a>

its liek voted number 1

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|||I used to play WoW, now I am playing Rift. I really like rift so far, and Im waiting for Diablo 3 to come out... which seems like it will never.... If you want to try rift here is a free pass for you;utm_sou

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|||Have you tried anarchy online its free and it is got nice graphics and a good gameplay|||Voyage Century is a really good mmorpg and its free as it has an item mall that players can (but dont have to) buy from. It has great graphics and you can choose from many specialities ingame such as foundry, sewing, alchemy, fighting, sea battle etc

=]|||I had my share in gaming. And many MMORPGs I have played. Here my list of top 5 I would pick.

1)World of Warcraft




5)9 Dragons|||;vid=113153206|||1. ALBATROSS 18, golf game like you never seen or played before UNIQUE and very adictive

2. Cobal simple to level up, large variety of movesets massive world

3. Tales of Pirates, realy nice pirate game get better when at high level

4. Trickster, really good graphics for a cartoon rpg and nice gameplay

5. Maple Story nice and simple

6. Rumble Fighter fighting mmorpg VERY unique|||WoW

Pros: Very good graphics and fun gameplay

Cons: Expensive 15$ per month


Pros: free once you guy it from the store

Cons: Not nearly as good as other games that are out there


Pros: Completely free

Cons: Slow, bad graphics, and very populated


Pros: Free for nonmembers

Cons: Not fun at all, horrible graphics, and paying for membership is pointless because it sucks too

Club Penguin

Pros: Free

Cons: Same as Runescape but you can't talk and you have selected phrases to say and very easy to get banned


Pros: Good for little kids and free

Cons: Again the same as Club Penguin plus its for little kids|||You can play maplestory at the cons are fighting with monster, lvling, and talking with others also trading the pros are it will get harder to lvl up when you reach higher lvl.|||Ya, very hard to say which one goes the best, even as for WOW, there are still a lot ppl hates it.

There is only MMORPG suitable for you. See the below maybe someone good for you there.


A nice sci-fi mmo based on races PVP, althoug the PVE is also very nice. Once you reach lvl 25 you can join in the chip wars. That is awesome. The chip war allows you too fight together with around 1000 of the same race against a other race.

DOMO Dream of Mirror Online

A free-to-play MMORPG developed by Softstar, leading brand of Chinese video games industry with 400,000 registered users in Taiwan alone. It's interface is extremely user friendly and is built to assist player's interactions and to involve him into the game. Except for many handy functions the players can access, there are also many paths designed for new players to start the game easily.The graphic provide contemporary 3D anime style with cell shading effects.


A very decent 3D mmorpg. Graphic is very nice. The community is totally amazing and you can barely see anyone using the word "noob". The PvP system is awesome and the good thing about it is you don't have to be a high level to be good at it or even give it a try. The upgrading system is probably the fairest you can find in any game.

Granado Espada(Sword of the New World)

Granado Espada distinguishes itself from many modern-day MMORPGs with its Multiple Character Control (MCC) system. Rather than playing one character at a time, or using two clients to do so, a player may control a party of up to three characters in a single gaming session. This party play aspect of the game gives Granado Espada more of the feel of traditional, non- networked console and PC RPGs. The character order may be set within the Barracks at the beginning of the game, and any member of the party can be selected to lead the other characters or act alone at any time throughout the game. The other two characters can be commanded to follow or attend the lead character as the party moves through a given area.

Final Fantasy XI

Square Enix's famous Final Fantasy series, they are known as theire awesome story. As part of the Final Fantasy series, Fantasy XI: Online's story also very good. The story is set in the fantasy world of Vana'diel, where tasks can be performed to improve a character's powers or to complete quests. Players are able to customize a character that they will guide through the story. There are also hundreds of quests that allow players to gain various rewards, as well as a growing number of player versus player competitions.

Still no one good for you? Go a big mmog list, and find your mmog.|||Check out ur enjoy that game|||this game is better and FREEEEE鈥?/a>

fun to play!|||World of warcraft. All other games just try to copy wow.||| have to say world of warcraft(awesome game)

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