Saturday, December 24, 2011

Is there any F2P MMORPG that has slasher type like Blade of Nostale?

1) Is there any F2P MMORPG that has slasher type like Blade of Nostale?

Just like vergil of DMC

2) Any game for PC that has slasher type?|||I play a game called Invictus (aka Mabinogi Heroes outside the US and Europe). It is a hack-and-slash mmo, and is also free-to-play. It has great dialogue and you start instancing right away. None of that endless grindfest you have to put up with any typical mmorpg. This game has a very interactive environment, and you can use items inside the instances to beat up opponents with. You can literally pick up a big ceramic pot from off the floor, or a tree log, and smash someone around with it. I have a lot of fun with this game, and since it has recently been officially released and no longer in Beta, many people can have the opportunity to experience this innovative type of gameplay. I suggest you give it a try...|||Check out it has a huge list of over 300 and growing MMORPG / MMOFPS games in key categories such as Free to play (F2P), Pay to play (P2P), 2D, 3D, and so on. I guarantee you'll find the kind of game your looking for there.|||Lineage 2, you will find anything there

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